Bizu's School - 53290 Beaumont pied de boeuf - Mayenne France - Freinet's Pedagogy

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16 children from 5 to 11 years at Bizu's.
Solène Noémie Régis Jennifer
Mickaël Etienne Sophie Ludovic
Julien Laura Stéphanie Corinne
Coline Julie Solenne Arnaud
They are now in college.
Senad Emilie Alexis Pierre-Luc
Julie François
They also have their page at Bizu's.
Hervé Saima Adis France
Abellia Paul-Elie France
Margot baby friend France
Jacques Breteau painter friend France
Denise friend Quebec Canada
Stéphane Méliade writer friend France
Marie Mélisou writer friend France
Akari journalist friend Japan
Janine Jouneau poet friend France
Some school friends.
Les Bruyères Belgium
Tout Petit Belon France
EchoLônes France
Rikikis Musclé France
Le P'tit Viville France
Shinno Japan
Hénouville France
Vaucresson France
Bachelard France
live chat
On web Bizu's Chat
Bizuand Fournier
Célestin Freinet
Radio Saint Pavace
Television France3 at Bizu's
Searching on Neau
Your encouragements
Our server Unimedia
French National's education :
The project of the national education's ministry regardind the "Information's highways and services in education's domain".
An article from Edutel about schools on the internet.
European Commission
Learning in information's society
Action for a European initiative in education (1996-1998)
You are quoted in:
by VECAM Veille Européenne et Citoyenne sur les Autoroutes de l'information et le Multimédia
The FIMEM International's Federation of Mouvements of Moderne's schools
Piquecos' school
The University of Richmond, Virginia, USA - mirror site in France
site of Nice's Academic Inspection
The mygale and encore and encore
La Francophonie planétaire (Worldwide french-speaking)
Bizu's School is in an investigation about the internet at school in "Terminus Hong Kong"
The Web 66 International WWW Schools Registry
In the school's pages of AdmiNet
In the Guestbook of regional Council in West og France
With Stéphane in Books on line......
In magazine Planète Internet # 11 page 47
By, By Dédale
In Bretagne in english - in Bretagne in french
By the CNRS Urec
By the Trouv'Tout
By Les carnets didactiques of Arkham
By Microtel
By children's littérature page, on ClicNet
The page of young of the Cyber Factory

3 villages
Beaumont pied de boeuf -- Le Buret -- Préaux
Learning to become a citizen
Why Bizu ? -- Where do we live ?
Hox does our cooperative class work ?
Newspaper articles about Fournier's visit -- internet -- la Chalibaude ...
A newspaper article of Haut Anjou about our class.
Our works
Our files: television - nature - history - astronomy
- fishing - France - farm - press - comics - litterature, with links to choosen sites
- Tatin - By night, they are stars ...
Saima exposes her drawings
The week's day in ...
Our Comic Strip, first prize at the departement competition (departement is a kind ok country or state)

Search Engines
UNGI The internet guide
links from you to us.
We invite you to visite other schools.

Write to us, to tell who you are, what you think about ur site, to give us to read and to search.
Ecole Bizu 53290 Beaumont-pied-de-boeuf - FRANCE
tel: 33- e-mail: